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Link 07.04.11, 18:40:38

He Boiled For Your Sins

He Boiled For Your Sins

Passend dazu ein Gedicht:

Pasta Lord

  Slippery tendrils lash above the sea
In a frantic manner to save what be
A crew of pirates, stranded, latching on
To his noodly appendages a’dawn.

  His Noodliness holds two spheres of meat
Muddled in the tangle of pasta, neat.
In Him, I find true mirth; my solace, joy!
The Pasta Lord, He taketh me—ahoy!

  He promises a Kingdom grand, so long
As we abide by Captain Mosey’s song:
Yon, beer and ale spurt out of mountaintops;
A stripper factory that does not stop.

  Rejoice, for He has boiled for our sins!
And now his wheaty sauce runs ‘neath our skins.
My Pasta Lord who flies with wholegrain love,
Invisible in the heavens above.

tags:#fsm #religion #pastafari



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